
While our space and staff resouces are limited, we are still adding artefacts, books, catalogues, publications, correspondence, research, images and records relevant to the development of the Archive or which will enhance the depth or understanding of its collections.  We are particularly interested in acquiring materials which originate from local manufacturers, pattern books, woollen and worsted samples, design work by alumni and former College staff and related research.   

If you are considering donating material to the archive and would like to discuss our acquisitions policy please email mailto:[email protected]

Work offered to us is remarkably varied as the two examples below reflect.

We were delighted to hear from the daughter of a part-time fashion student who told her story and showed us her remakable drawings done in the 1930s.  The drawings were precious heirlooms for the family to treasure but we were able to digitise them to ensure their preservation and enable others to see them.
Read Irene Holmes’ story  and see her wonderful drawings

We are looking forward to receiving research and samples from an acclaimed felt artist
Read about Liz Clay

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